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2014-01-29 13:50:34 UTC
Sábado, 25 de Enero, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

We would like to express our love, condolences and prayers to the families and friends of the victims that suffered such a terrible tragedy as fire went out of control during the night while must of the patients slept at the elderly home in a small town in L'Isle-Verte, Quebec, killing 5 and leaving 30 unaccounted for until now. The people that passed away in this fire went to be with our Father in heaven, because He sent His Son Jesus Christ to rescue them from the terrible death of the cross as he was nailed himself to the cross to shed his atoning-blood to the last drop of his sacred-body, so by his living atoning-blood they may be saved.

This is the power atoning-blood that needed not only to be shed over the dead crossed-trees of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill but also over the entire earth where every man, woman and child must return after life on earth, so by the power of the atoning-blood they may eventually become alive to our Father in heaven. This powerful atoning-blood is still alive all over the earth, because as our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill to shed it over Adam and Eve as dead crossed-trees from paradise, then our Father granted life to them but also to their children that were just as dead in the ground by the millions.

Therefore, this powerful atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is not only crying for the forgiveness, healing, well-being, prosperity, and salvation of our living souls from the mountaintop but also from under the ground, because the power of the atoning-blood is to cry for us from under the earth to heaven's glory, so our heavenly Father may rescue them in time. This is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that gives life to earth every day, and will eventually bring up into eternal life all those living souls that are sleeping before our Father in heaven, because this atoning-blood will not only give life to every man, woman and child, starting with Adam and Eve, but also to the entire earth as well.

In the beginning, the earth was dying along with every nation because of the terrible sin that Adam and Eve committed in paradise, as they both ate in rebellion from the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of the fruit of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood for holiness to flourish everlastingly. However, with our Lord Jesus Christ atoning-blood shed timely over Jerusalem's holy hill then not only every man, woman and child may be saved along with Adam and Eve from paradise but also the entire earth will experience a rebirth to become a new earth with glorious skies filled with our Father's glory to shine over the nations into all eternity.

This amazing atoning-blood that was initially shed by our Lord Jesus Christ within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, because he is not only Israel's legal high priest but also God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to kill sin forever moreover grant us love, power, prosperity, happiness, and eternal life filled with miracles on earth these days and in heaven forever. This is the atoning-blood that our Father needed not only every man, woman and child to receive within their hearts by faith and prayer but also Adam and Eve, so the earth may have this wonderful salvation experience just like any one of us that our Father have given birth into His image to live according to His likeness everlastingly.

The atoning-bloods that were shed initially, starting with Abel's lamb sacrificed before our Father in heaven, poured to the ground and dried forever, but it is not like this with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because it is indestructible or death fails to reign over it forever, so these days we can trust wholeheartedly in his shed atoning-blood to rescue us from anything. The firefighters and other rescuers may have failed to rescue the people from the elderly home because of hard weather or the fire intensity that made it impossible to get any close to them, but with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood living on earth and within the Holy of Holiest in heaven then they were rescued timely to heaven's glory.

We will continue to pray for the families and friends of the victims before our heavenly Father, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, so He may bless their hearts just to let them know that their loved ones where bought with the atoning-blood that never went dried and dead on (or under) the ground much less in heaven's glory. Amen!


Jacob had arrived at a city called Luz (later named Betel), where he stopped for the night, then while lying in the grass he realizes that he needs a pillow to rest his head, but there was no pillow in sight, besides he had failed to bring one in his journey to Padan-aram where he was hoping for find a wife. Then, Jacob grabbed one of the near rocks and placed it under his head as a pillow, and as he rested his head over the piece of rock he felt asleep, like this, entering into our heavenly Father's dream that He had prepared for him and for his children for generations to come ahead.

While sleeping with the rock under his head, Jacob began to vision a dream filled with information for him and for his children as well that later they will become the twelve tribes of Israel. Prophetically, Jacob saw three tree-crosses lineup one above the other in succession that looked as a ladder ascending into heaven over the rock, and the angels were descending to earth and others ascending as well into heaven, apparently they were doing our heavenly Father's daily work in the midst of the nations for His loved ones that invoke His Son Jesus Christ.

Curiously, the sight was impressive to Jacob, because this is something that he had never seen before much less heard about it from others, so this was new to him, watching our heavenly Father's holy angels descending from heaven to earth while others ascending with ease to heaven's glory--apparently the angels were very busy, doing what God's loves to do. Most likely, the angels were making sure that everyone that has eaten from the bread and wine from the Lord's Table, as Abraham and his allies ate at Salem's gate as our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) ministered the rituals of Righteousness before our heavenly Father, so they may receive timely the blessings of the Covenant of Life with its daily-obligations.

Provided that, what causes every holy angel to descend to earth and then return to heaven's glory using the eternal rock with the ascending Jacob's ladder at Mount Sinai, Jerusalem's holy hill or any other place where our Father places His holy name, it is to make sure that the Covenant's daily-obligations are executed properly and timely for everyone that believes. Moreover, it was at this rock where Jacob had placed his head to rest and dream, and saw the three ancient-crosses lineup one after another leading angels into heaven's glory, then he saw our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach speaking to him from the top middle of it, thus to let him know that he has blessed him and his descendants with richness.

Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ promised Jacob that he with his children will possess this land where he was resting, so his children may inherit it to fill the earth with the glory that he had given not just to him but also to every one of his children thus to do the will of our Father in heaven for eternity. For our heavenly Father wanted them to become the people that He had called them to be since the foundation of the world, and this is that they are called to become Gods and priests for the service not only of His holy name but also of the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments--commands that later He will grant them.

It is here also where our heavenly Father changed Jacob's name to Israel, for our heavenly Father said to him later: Your name will no longer be Jacob but Israel your name will be throughout the land, because now you are going to be the father of a great nation where my holy name will rest in the midst of it forever. It is here over the rock where Jacob had slept over night to continue on his way to find a wife in the midst of his relatives in Padan-aram that our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him, so he may become fruitful in the new land where he had been blessed mightily thus to fill it with a new nation called Israel.

For this is a nation born miraculously from Jacob's dream that he had over the injured-rock where our Lord Jesus Christ appeared on the top of it, hidden in the midst of the three crossed-trees lineup one after another thus fashioning a ladder that served as steps for the angels and for saved people to ascend into heaven's glory forever blessed. That is why that Israel is called Israel and not Jacob or Isaac or Abraham, because it is a name given to Jacob by our Lord Jesus Christ so Israel may be born on earth in good time, so our heavenly Father may do His glorious will eventually to turn the entire earth into His wonderful light of holiness shining into eternity.

Surely, Israel is called Israel, because Jacob had a dream over a rock where he laid his head to rest, and finally end up sleeping through the night that had a vision for him from our heavenly Father in heaven that granted him His savior Jesus Christ, moreover bless his life and that of his children forever, as well. Here we can see that Israel is born from the tree lineup crossed-trees of Jerusalem's holy hill that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to Jacob, so he may change his name to Israel for a new nation to be born on earth that will not only receive the commandments but also the human-divine life to live it forever into everlasting fulfillment.

Unquestionably, we may also say that Israel was born from our heavenly Father's dream that He granted Jacob His much-loved vision as he rested his head over a rock that he picked at random at Betel, falling asleep to have a prophetic dream from our Father granting him and his children His Son Jesus Christ and the entire nation of Israel. Therefore, everyone born within the lineage of Jacob is a person born from our heavenly Father's much-loved dream that He granted Jacob as he rested his head over the injured-rock for the night at Betel, so while he was dreaming then he saw the three lineup crossed-trees ascending into heaven's glory that would give in time birth to the nation of Israel.

Now, holy angels can go up and down the lineup crossed-trees over the injured-rock at Jerusalem's holy hill, Mount Sinai's summit or any other place where our heavenly Father may have placed His holy name through the magnificent life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, but also saved people can use anytime Jacob's ladder to approach our Father in prayer in heaven. It is here where our heavenly Father needs you to be these days, just as Jacob not just sleeping with great confidence over the injured-rock where your living soul will certainly rest through all your nights of your life on earth, but also you may speak to our Lord Jesus Christ, because he is always ready to speak to you in person.

It is here where our Lord Jesus Christ will tell you wonderful things because he has always something to let you know, so you may live a life pleasant to our heavenly Father's demanding heart for love, truth, justice and service to His holy name thus to conquer new glories that only you can conquer them on earth and in eternity. This certainly means that our Father is waiting for every man, woman and child not only from Israel but also from the nations to find the injured-rock near your place to rest your head over it through the nights of your entire life on earth, because this is the home-sweet-home of your every day blessing, healing, prosperity, peace, happiness and salvation.

This is the injured-rock where Israel was born by the power of the Holy Spirit as Jacob rested his head over it, so he may find rest through the night to be ready to find a wife within his relatives at Padan-aram, and over this injured-rock God's Temple is born for all the nations to pray, that is, if you believe. That is to say, also that every time you see Jerusalem's holy hill, then this is the birth place of the nation of Israel so these days you may have the same powerful savior that Abraham, Isaac and finally Jacob had over the injured-rock to speak into your life: love, peace, healing, well-being, prosperity, victories and happiness into heaven's glory forever.

This is the place of rebirth for Adam and Eve, because this is where our heavenly Father needed them to meet His Son Jesus Christ as the fruit of life that they failed to eat in paradise, so he may be nailed to the lifeless three crossed-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill for life to flourish afresh everywhere, and this time everlastingly. Definitely, because Adam and Eve were born here in the beginning, for this is where our heavenly Father deep his hand into the earth's first cavity thus to create every man, woman and child, beginning with Adam, so it had to be here where His Son Jesus Christ had to be nailed to the cross for Israel and the nations' salvation.

At this cavity Adam sprouted as a tree with life to Eve and his children, so it had to be here where Adam needed to return with Eve nailed to his fifth rib to receive God's Royal Son nailed to her hands and feet because she took the forbidden fruit, and Adam's feet nailed to Jesus Christ's feet because he walked-astray. (Now, we all know why Canaan is the land that flows with milk and honey, and it is so-loved by our heavenly Father, because it is here where the injured-rock is established not only to give birth to Adam, Eve and the children but also it is where Jacob became Israel, the nation granting the King Messiah to rule the earth forever.)

Meaning that, it was here where our heavenly Father had to meet Jacob, so he may see where His Son Jesus Christ lives in perfect sanctity for humankind's living-souls from all the nations of the world that started with Adam and Eve, but it is also here where Israel was born to become God's eternal nation as He renamed Jacob: Israel! That is why that our heavenly Father was happy in the beginning of the liberation of Israel from Mount Sinai's summit as Moses met our Lord Jesus Christ for the first time in the midst of a burning fire that burned uncontrollably, but without damaging not even the grass of the mountaintop, because Israel needed to go back home: Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is to say, that every Israeli man, woman and child need to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to kneel before our Father and His Son Jesus Christ just as Israel had to do it initially, as they crossed the Red sea in dried ground finally to kneel down at Mount Sinai's injured-rock to drink from it the atoning-blood turned into living-water. For our heavenly Father said to Moses: You will return to this mountain to serve me after I liberate you from Egypt's bondage, because this is the place where He was going to introduce Israel to the injured-rock where His Son Jesus Christ is hidden as His Chosen Lamb pouring out the atoning-blood turned into living-water to drink holy salvation forever.

Besides, for Israel to stand at Mount Sinai's foot to meet the liberating savior, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, that shed his atoning-blood since Creation day within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven for the injured-rock to become saturated with the atoning-blood and ready to turn into living-water for all to drink, then they had to be baptized. Therefore, as Israel crossed the Red sea in dried ground with walls of water on both sides, then they became baptized and clean from impurities that they had received through the years within captivity, so now they were ready to meet the living savior Jesus Christ face-to-face to drink his atoning-blood turned into living-water, receive the commandments to possess Canaan forever.

Meaning that, also Israel drank initially from the injured-rock the king Messiah Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water for salvation, because, this is where our heavenly Father and His Son had met Jacob for the first time to become his savior as He changed his name to Israel thus to grant him eternal powerful rights to inherit Canaan with his children forever. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father and heaven's glory for every Israeli man, woman and child to drink to the full directly from the injured-rock His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood turned into living-water, so they may have the right and powers to enter Canaan's richness thus to stand this time at Jerusalem's holy hill to serve our Father perpetually.

For this is the service that our heavenly Father was looking for in Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and every one of their descendants for generations to come on earth and in heaven, because our Father's holy name had to be exalted within their hearts and those of the nations, as well, so powerful sanctities may be conquered at Jerusalem's holy hill instantaneously. That is to say, also that there are especial sanctities and glories that need to be conquered by everyone within Israel and the nations that are particular (or belong) only to that one person that will eventually conquer them through Jesus Christ's resurrected-life, as our acting high priest and God's Lamb with the atoning-blood ministers nonstop in heaven's Holy of Holiest everlastingly.

For these are especial sanctities and glories that will become available daily for every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, too, by only believing within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ ministering nonstop within heaven's Holy of Holiest, as their personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood. Providing that, it is only our Lord Jesus Christ ministering before our heavenly Father's altar within the Holy of Holiest, as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that will mediate for the daily needs on earth and in heaven thus to enjoy a powerful-life filled with the Holy Spirit's sanctities and glories to serve His holy name enduringly.

Surely, the only thing that our heavnely Father is requiring from each one of us is to believe--that is all we have to do: believe, because by believing within our hearts what our Lord Jesus Christ is doing for us in heaven's Holy of Holiest before His altar, then we are receiving tremendous powers to enrich our lives incessantly right now. Our heavenly Father only needs us to believe what He has done with His Son Jesus Christ, as he was born through David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit to grant us not only eternal life but also the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the daily holiness-powers to live sinless in heaven's glory into eternity.

Just believe--is what our heavenly Father is asking us to do these days, because, He has His Son praying constantly within the Holy of Holiest, as our trusted high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to write our names in the book of life thus to receive heaven's daily blessing on earth these days and in heaven for eternity. Our heavenly Father needed to let Israel know and the nations that His Son Jesus Christ is always working perfect holiness within the Holy of Holiest, that is why that He allowed Moses to ascend Mount Sinai to meet His Son and speak about the salvation that He was granting Israel finally to escape Egypt's captivity into a new peaceful life.

For Canaan is a peaceful-land that our heavenly Father had chosen for His Son Jesus Christ to be born there by the power of the Holy Spirit, through one of their virgin daughters, so they needed to possess perfect holiness not only to enter Canaan victorious by defeating powerful enemies, but also they needed this perfect holiness to serve Him perpetually. Likewise, every Israelite needed this perfect-holiness soon to meet face-to-face David's Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so their heart and human spirit may not conflict with the Holy Spirit that not only had given birth to him through David's virgin daughter but also filled him with the Holy Spirit, so there would be no clashes or conflicts at all, but only acceptance.

Timely, our heavenly Father had Moses also ascend Mount Sinai several times not only to speak to His high priest as Israel's liberator from bondage but also to show him the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, because He wanted Israel and the nations to know that it was very important to know that His Son is always working perfect holiness for everyone's blessing. That is why that our heavenly Father allowed Moses to stay over Mount Sinai with our Lord Jesus Christ for forty days and forty nights, because Moses needed to walk every step of the Holy of Holiest to learn how His Son with his holy angels carry out rituals and ceremonies with the holy items perfect holiness before our Father in heaven.

Moreover, our heavenly Father allowed Moses to stay with His Son Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest for forty days and forty nights, because He needed Moses to develop his faith in His Son as he performed every step and detail of the rituals and ceremonies with the holy angels to produce abundant holiness for everyone's salvation everywhere on earth. This was important for Israel to know and for the nations thus to believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son's name, because as they may believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips His Son's name, then, powerful miracles are produced within the Holy of Holiest in heaven descending to earth.

These are powerful miracles of great holiness that the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest have been producing through times immemorial in heaven for every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures thus to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's glorious name every day, furthermore to conquer new glories of perfect eternal sanctities that have never been conquered yet. Nevertheless, these new glories of perfect sanctities need to be conquered by the same powers of the perfect holiness that our Lord Jesus Christ, as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood for the angels in heaven produce, however now he is producing holiness for every man, woman and child for Israel and the nations to reach new powerful glories soon.

Then, timely, our heavenly Father allowed the Holy Spirit to bring into the life of Israel the Tabernacle with its Holy of Holiest in the Sinai's desert, so just as Moses saw the every detail and work of holiness that is produced daily in heaven, then Israel could also witness it working with Jesus Christ as high priest producing salvation-holiness for everyone. That is why that our heavenly Father allowed the Tabernacle to be born in the midst of the Israelites in the Sinai's desert, because, every Israelite was going to be anointed with the Holy Spirit to build it with all its holy things to perfection, since this is how their faith was going to develop to serve our heavenly Father perpetually.

In other words, our heavenly Father was saying not just to Moses but also to every Israeli man, woman and child this is how the King Messiah ministers within the Holy of Holiest perfect holiness for angels in heaven to serve His holy name, and the same is on earth within Israel and in the desert producing holiness for everyone's service-and-salvation. Therefore, our heavenly Father had Moses only forty days and forty nights to walk into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest with our Lord Jesus Christ teaching him everything about the holy rituals and ceremonies that are developed there constantly, so our heavenly Father may be pleased with love, truth, mercy, kindness and justice thus to bless every believer on earth effectively.

Now, if our Father had Moses living within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest with His Son ministering as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to conduct rituals and ceremonies of holiness for angels, then He had Israel for forty years to learn love, truth, mercy, kindness and justice thus to bless themselves with salvation-faith to enter heaven's glory anyday now. For forty years our heavenly Father had the Israelites to live with the Tabernacle of Reunion, so they may see how Moses would enter into the Holy of Holiest anytime with confidence within his heart because he was going to speak face-to-face with his personal high priest, Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, friend and confidant thus to trust him in anything.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father had done these things for Israel by having the Holy Spirit miraculously bringing the Tabernacle with its Holiest of Holiest into the Sinai's desert, so Israel may learn faith thus to become born again by Holy Spirit's power only to believe in Him and in His Son Jesus Christ for forgiveness, healing, peace, prosperity, happiness, and salvation. That is all that our heavenly Father was asking Israel to do, and this is to believe in Him and on His Son Jesus Christ, because this is what He needed thus to bless them with an extraordinary life as the one granted initially to Moses, so Moses may serve Him through His Son Jesus Christ's amazing love forever into eternity.

In truth, our heavenly Father would say to Israel time and time again: just believe--that is all that I am asking you to do--just believe what you have seen, what you have learned, and what you have experienced through the years, as you have seen always how the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest works every day for your well-being on earth. Compassionately, what our Father asked Moses to do and later to Israel is to believe, just believe, believe in Him through His Son within their hearts by the Holy Spirit's powers, then He is asking nowadays the same to every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, because the Holy of Holiest is up-and-running in heaven to bless right now.

Just believe in our heavenly Father through the ministering life for perfect holiness of His Son Jesus Christ, within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest daily tasks, because, he is the only one that can grant us forgiveness through the power of his atoning-blood shed since Creation day finally to receive every day the Holy Spirit's gifts to enrich our lives into eternity. Therefore, we should believe in our heavenly Father because He is our God and Father, then we should believe in His Son Jesus Christ because he alone is our high priest and Chosen Lamb (functions that no one can ever qualify to execute in divine-holiness in heaven before our Father), moreover believe in the Holy Spirit because is everywhere, omnipresent, touching us.

On earth, we must believe in our heavenly Father to bless each one of us through the daily ministering celestial-sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, because it is only through his amazing ministering-life that our Father can really connect to us without sin, for the Holy Spirit's gifts to descend upon us powerfully. Unquestionably, there is no other way possible for our heavenly Father to connect to each one of our hearts, because he is a very holy God hating evil always, because evil causes His wrath to kindle immediately as for the Mount Sinai's incident, for example, where Israel almost lost its existence on earth at the holy-hand that had given it life initially.

Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ is just as important for each one of us these days for our heavenly Father to connect to us without the sin problem, because our Lord Jesus Christ is always ministering for us as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to respond to our daily needs. Thereafter, it is an out right sin to neglect our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts, as he is working incessantly within the Holy of Holiest in heaven before our heavenly Father's altar, so our sins may not just be forgiven but also erased forever from the books in heaven, for the reason that every sin is recorded for Judgment Day.

In Judgment Day, only those that have their sins erased from the books in heaven by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ constant mediation between our Father and us will not have to stand in the heavenly courts to answer to their sins, because they have been forgiven and erased by the daily working amazing-powers of the Lamb's shed atoning-blood. Then, it is only through our Lord Jesus Christ sitting next to our heavenly Father as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day that each one of us can not only enter into the Holy of Holiest in prayer and faith, but also we can speak to our Father about anything for blessing to be possible.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ not only taught to Moses and Israel through the Sinai's desert that he will appear always between the two seraphim over the Arc of the Covenant to speak to him about anything concerning his life and that of Israel, but also he will be there to wash them clean from sin always. That is to say, also that only through him as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood always working with authorities and powers between the seraphim and the Arc of the Covenant, then he can wash (or filter) us clean from all impurities and sin, so our heavenly Father cannot only hear us but also answer our prayers immediately.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our way, truth and life these days just as he was for the Israelites through the Sinai's desert and within the Promised Land, so through him we may have our sins forgiven, so Satan can let go of us from all of his terrible lies of sickness, problems, difficulties, conflicts, diseases and threats of death as well. Because, our heavenly Father has created heaven for angels and earth for humankind for life to prosper everywhere without darkness, however, because of Satan's lies to Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of life, then every problem, difficulty, sickness, diseases and threat of death are a hidden lies.

Truthfully, lies can only be removed from our daily lives by just believing within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is within the Holy of Holiest doing all the necessary rituals and ceremonies of holiness to please our heavenly Father's demanding heart for justice thus to heal us immediately. That is to say, also that the same work of holiness that our Lord Jesus Christ was doing within the Holy of Holiest in heaven for every angel, then he did it for every Israeli in the Sinai's desert to appease our Father's very demanding heart for love, truth, justice and Law in heaven for the angels and on earth for humankind.

Moreover, our heavenly Father displayed all the daily divine work of our Lord Jesus Christ within the Sinai's desert, so Moses and Israel may see exactly how the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest had been working through the years since immemorial eternities to bless angels, and now to bless humankind everywhere forever, so they may have faith pleasing our heavenly Father into everlasting. Therefore, the work of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest within the Sinai's desert was to help every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations as well to develop the faith that we have a brother born from our flesh, bones and blood through David's virgin daughter that understands and is ready to plea for us progressively in heaven's glory.

Given that, no one has ever been holy enough on earth to ascend into Mount Sinai's summit to meet our Lord Jesus Christ face-to-face much less enter into the Holy of Holiest as Moses did unless he was helped by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, and the only one that can truly enter heaven's glory without help is Jesus Christ. Now, Jesus Christ can ascend into Mount Sinai's summit moreover enter into the Holy of Holiest in heaven, because he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter not only to be able to do these great tasks but also to sit in David's throne, ruling Israel and the nations for our heavenly Father into eternity.

Therefore, Jesus Christ is the one born from David's genealogy from the tribe of Judah to become the legal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood not only to erase our sins forever, moreover convert our sinful bodies into his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and the atoning-blood for eternal life but also he is our King Messiah ruling Israel and the world everlastingly. Jesus Christ is us, he is not just an angel, or God's Son, but also he is our flesh, bones and human blood that has defeated Satan's lies, curses, sin, sicknesses, conflicts, death, and hell within Canaan and over Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may resurrect on the third day into the Holy of Holiest to grant us eternal life right now.

Jesus Christ is the root of David, the Morning Star, nailed to Adam and Eve's dead crossed-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill shedding his atoning-blood timely, because he alone was born to glorify the Holy Spirit of the commandments forever then die for our sins, so he may resurrect into heaven's glory to advocate for us before our Father's Holy of Holiest. Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ was born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to carry every sin to Jerusalem's holy hill to be nailed to our parents Adam and Eve's crossed-lifeless trees to pay for our sins with his holy life and atoning-blood finally to resurrect on the third day into our heavenly Father's presence without anyone's sin forever.

These days, Adam and Eve are no longer dead because our Lord Jesus Christ granted them eternal life as he was nailed by his sinful-offspring to their dead bodies, the crossed-trees that Jacob saw in his dream as a ladder ascending to heaven, because this was the only way possible that they could return to heaven to our heavenly Father's holy presence. Since Adam and Eve failed to eat from the fruit of life that is Jesus Christ in the epicenter of paradise, as the Holy of Holiest in heaven, where our Father is daily glorified by His holy angels that receive constant holiness from Jesus Christ's Lordship, then they had to eat from the fruit of life only at Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is to say, also that since Adam and Eve could no longer eat from the tree of life in paradise because they had rebelliously eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then they had to return to the dust of Jerusalem's holy hill to eat from the tree of life, but this time to live forever justified. Therefore, if Adam and Eve had failed again to eat from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ in the epicenter of paradise, and within Jerusalem's holy hill, then no one could ever be saved because failure to eat from the fruit of life is death in paradise for them and for their offspring on earth, too.

Over Jerusalem's holy hill, Adam and Eve had no choice to make because, first they could not speak much less plead for salvation, perhaps they did in their last days in paradise and on earth, too, nevertheless they were finally nailed to our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to restart on life again, and this time forever. And because Adam and Eve were nailed to our sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood that is our Lord Jesus Christ for each one of us on earth these days and for years to come in heaven, then not only Adam and Eve were saved but also every one of their offspring that believe within their hearts for justice in this amazing salvation.

That is why that our heavenly Father caused by the Holy Spirit for His Tabernacle of Holiness to be born in the midst of Israel in the Sinai's desert to learn how it works constantly perfect holiness for angels in heaven and for every man, woman and child on earth, furthermore show Israel: Jesus Christ in person to believe in him forever. For the reason that, our heavenly Father pulled Israel from captivity was to teach them how to believe in Him through all the wonderful things that He personally manifested over Mount Sinai, but also granted them to have the heaven's Holy of Holiest in the desert, so in time they may be found worthy to receive His Son Jesus Christ forever.

For it was our heavenly Father's perfect will to manifest His Son Jesus Christ as Israel's high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood over Mount Sinai, later granted them the heaven's Holy of Holiest to learn to live with perfect holiness through the barren-desert, because His Son Jesus Christ is perfect and holy within the Promised Land forever into everlasting. For our Lord Jesus Christ is called by our heavenly Father to rule Israel with perfect holiness along with the nations for generations to come in the new earth with glorious skies that had been created by our Father and the Holy Spirit's powers for this new ageless kingdom that was initially promised to Abram, Isaac, Jacob, and finally King David.

Currently, our heavenly Father is calling you just as he called Adam and Eve in paradise to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ's true bread and atoning-blood of eternal life served daily to angels in heaven for perfect holiness, and on earth to every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations that believe. For it is written for the nations that forget God, and this is our Lord Jesus Christ as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood always ministering holiness-power for every man, woman and child on earth, will be cast into hell's torment, because it is our Father's legal judgment to cast into hell everyone that forgets His Son Jesus Christ.

Today, if you would like to enter the Holy of Holiest in heaven just as Moses did, then you may well do it, but only under Jesus Christ guidance for he is your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood from David's linage and the tribe of Judah acceptable by our Father, since he alone is Abram's Pact of life forever. You must remember that our heavenly Father said to Abraham: In you all nations will be blessed, and He said these words to Abraham along with may more, because He was talking about the seed that He had planted from the Holy Spirit through his wife Sarah's barren-womb that not only gave us Isaac but also Jesus Christ through David's virgin daughter.

That is to say, that the seed from the Holy Spirit that came from our heavenly Father into Sarah's barren-womb that caused Isaac to be born to Abraham as his only son, then granted us David's virgin daughter that gave birth timely by the same Holy Spirit's powers Israel's high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to save humankind forever. Meaning also that our heavenly Father's seed implanted into Sarah's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit descending into her life timely, then, gave birth to Isaac to become Abraham's only son, moreover granted the birth of Jacob to receive the three crossed-trees lineup over the injured-rock for Israel to be born into a nation to serve our Father forever.

Certainly, this is the brother, friend, confidant, mediator, advocate, high priest and God's Lamb with the atoning-blood removing sin always, moreover grants you the divine-body as perfect as our heavenly Father is perpetually to live the blessed eternal life that is daily enjoy by Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and millions more from all the nations that believed for justice Jesus Christ's salvation. This is the truth that our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai's summit with His Son Jesus Christ as Israel's perfect high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to pour the holiness necessary over Israel thus to liberate it from eternal bondage, so they may stand at Mount Sinai's injured-rock to drink from His Son's atoning-blood turned into eternal life.

For he alone can truly give you to eat from the true bread and drink from the cup of eternal life that served to Abraham and his allies as they had their place with our heavenly Father at the Supper Table, so Isaac could be born moreover you may have your day of rebirth today through His Son Jesus Christ's Holy Spirit. Our heavenly Father can only grant you richness that your living-soul will never know unless you approach Him through His Son Jesus Christ, as your living-brother from the tribe of Judah ministering as Israel's high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases sin, moreover grants you a divine-body to live eternal life ascending into heaven's glory saved, right now.

Inasmuch as, what our heavenly Father does for you each day in heaven within the Holy of Holiest, as His Son Jesus Christ acts as your lawful high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that grants you life and blessing one after another on earth, is so great that you will feel it going throughout your body and living-soul with tremendous powers. Our heavenly Father has always been true to Israel despite rebellions against Him, as they fashioned a golden calf and call it their Lord and savior liberating them from captivity instead of His faithful Son Jesus Christ, the only high priest and Immaculate Lamb with the atoning-blood to blot out sin forever thus to fill them with the Holy Spirit's daily gifts.

Moreover, our heavenly Father was true to Israel just as His Son Jesus Christ is to Him always, because He wanted every man, woman and child within Israel to enter into the Holy of Holiest through Mount Sinai's summit, so they may see how much work needs to be done not only to produce holiness but also to save everyone's living-soul. That is why that each time someone on earth finds his way into the Holy of Holiest thus to enter into our Lord Jesus Christ's holy presence that takes you immediately to our heavenly Father to meet you personally as perfect and holy as you will ever be everlastingly before His Holiness, then there are angelic dancing joyfully everywhere in heaven.

Unfortunately, because of liars always around Israel, then they were deceived in doing all the contrary causing our heavenly Father's wrath to rise to the point that He wanted to wipe them out from the face of the earth to start all over a new faithful nation with Moses that would be forever better than the ones that escaped Egypt's slavery. Israel's problems, difficulties, infirmities, diseases and threats of death have always been not because of our Father and of His Son Jesus Christ always granting them powers from the Holy Spirit to live blessed but, instead, they have been Satan's liars willing to do (and say) anything to drive Israel into blindness bound to hell's torment forever cursed never to know life again.

Then the question arises, who could have saved Israel from all these liars through the years until now? The answer is always the same, the one brother that they have from David's lineage and the tribe of Judah ministering within the Holy of Holiest in the Sinai's desert and in heaven presently as high priest and God's Lamb removing sin and blindness, so cruel pretenders will not be able to drive them into further darkness that leads into hell's torment. This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ, as he went through the streets and cities of Israel, then he did it to teach our heavenly Father's words by stating clearly: I am the way, the truth, and the life, so whoever believes in me then liars will have no power to deceive you on earth much less in paradise.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ asserted these words to the people of Israel, because he is the only way to heaven ascending through the lineup crosses that Jacob was shown in his dream as he rested his head through the night over the injured-rock, for everyone that believes to follow him into heaven's glory, returning like this to home-sweet-home everlastingly blessed. Only our Lord Jesus Christ as high priest and Chosen Lamb of Israel, by our heavenly Father's perfect will, then liars will be driven away from their lives for Israel finally to have a personal encounter with the giver of eternal life, Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he needs to bless right now every family of Israel with great powers from heaven above.

Furthermore, these powerful blessings from our heavenly Father through the glorious priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ and as His eternal Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood is the blessing that He personally granted to all the nations of the world, because He assured to Abraham by saying: In your seed all the nations will be saved to enter heaven's glory soon. These days, our heavenly Father is working constantly with His Son Jesus Christ as Israel's lawful high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that pleases Him in all love, truth and justice in heaven and on earth forever, so, you need to invoke His Son's name to minister for you and your loved ones, for miracles to grow in your life immediately.

For sure, as our Lord Jesus Christ begins to minister for you before our heavenly Father's altar within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, then the Holy Spirit will descend with amazing powers to remove sin, moreover start to enrich your life little by little but surely, so you may become the rich person that you ought to be forever into eternity. Starting now, you will never be the same person that you always have been till now, because if you believe within your heart for justice what Jacob saw in the dream as the three crosses lineup over the injured-rock ascending into heaven's glory of the Holy of Holiest, then through faith and prayer you will enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence.

And once you find yourself within our heavenly Father's holy presence as our Lord Jesus Christ is always along with his angelic hosts, then the feeling about life is totally new to you and to your loved ones as well, because you will begin to experience the movement of the Holy Spirit's gifts not only within you but also everywhere around. This is a glorious moment unknown to you, because with the spirit of error living within you by default since you were born in Adam and Eve's sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill blood, however as you become acquainted with our Lord Jesus Christ's ministry by faith within the Holy of Holiest in heaven then you will know blessing every day.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit want to bless you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, every day of your entire life, but you failed to receive the blessing of His daily work within the heaven's Holy of Holiest, because Satan has lied to you about His Royal Son, your best friend. However, the evil that Satan has done to you and to your loved ones through his lies will change instantly, as you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your only door to open to our Father in heaven, so the Holy Spirit may descend into your life with powerful miracles that you need from within the Holy of Holiest to cleanse you from deception.

Today, you may believe our Father as you should, so His will may be fulfilled within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, by just believing what He has already done for you within the Holy of Holiest in heaven with His Son as your legal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood blessing you with mercy, truth and justice always. Presently, you have Jacob's ladder open for you over the injured-rock just as it was to angels and saved people from everywhere around the world, going into heaven's glory or descending to earth thus to execute our heavenly Father's will to bless the lives of so many families from all the nations, leading always to heaven's glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.




Jim GM4DHJ ...
2015-05-04 17:26:37 UTC
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